Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Customers from Mars

Normally I would put H-E-double L, but I am being nice. We have a customer that wants to always blame us for their issues. We walk onsite to resolve something, 2 weeks and a day later something else breaks and they are going "well you were here 2 weeks and a day ago, and now it doesn't work". I mean it makes you really want to fire a customer doesn't it? So let me ask a difficult question - Have you ever fired a customer?

I hate to admit it, but yes, and guess what I went back on the out clause we had, and we are still servicing them. And guess what they are the same client that 2 weeks and a day ago, we were onsite with...

So tell me what do you do when you have a difficult customer. I have heard some great stories...

One CEO of a local multi-million dollar IT consulting / managed services company drove up to the customer in his new Porche and said straight to the other CEO - "Your bleeding me dry with all your onsite service requests, you must start using the call center" Seems their contract included free onsite service with their MSP program, and the client was demanding onsite for every ticket. Nice trick by the client, bad move by the porche driver...

We have been winning their clients slowly and surely....

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